Some web sites that either have interesting/useful/entertaining information, or with which we have a relationship of one kind or another.
- Customized diet planning from your friends at the US federal government.
- Diet recommendations from the American Dietetic Association.
- Diet information that completely contradicts the above.
- Diet information from Gary Taubes that also contradicts conventional "wisdom."
- Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, online edition
- No Nonsense Self Defense -- A great site with lots of information about self defense principles
- Near Death Experiments -- Discussions about self defense and survival. Very interesting.
- Oregon Defensive Arms -- Excellent, practical pistol training
- Israeli Krav Maga International -- Very close to us in philosophy and many techniques
- Red Cross -- Great source for First Aid and CPR information
- National Rifle Association -- A popular organization for handgun and rifle training
- US Concealed Carry Association -- A good center for responsible self defense gun tactics and information
- Self Defense: A Basic Human Right -- Information about gun use and self defense
- Self Defense Ammunition Comparison -- An excellent web page about modern self defense ammunition (thanks to M.J. for the link)
- Submissions 101 -- A great resource for seeing and learning basic jujitsu skills
- Fight Authority -- A great resource for seeing and learning a variety of MMA skills
- The Rosary Shop and Simple Way Limited Partnership are the key financial supporters for Via Potentia (along with the participants, of course)
- Complete Martial Arts is a directory of martial arts around the world.
- The Philosophy of Liberty is a flash-animation that persuasively depicts a perspective regarding the value and sovereignty of individual human life. We mostly agree with the presentation and principles. The only point on which we significantly differ is that we do not believe, strictly speaking, that your life is an object or possession that bluntly "belongs to you," to do with as you wish without regard for ethics. Rather, we believe that human life is a gift entrusted to you, that your life has a meaning and nature to be fulfilled, and that you have a responsibility to protect, cultivate and turn it into something beautiful. This may be a difference in semantics, but to us it is an important distinction. Otherwise, we think it is an excellent presentation.
- An interesting presentation by an attorney and a police detective on why you should never talk to the police. This is our general advice to people who are involved in a situation where violence was threatened or used (in self defense or not), especially if you used a weapon or prevailed.
- We recently had some custom shirts printed by ooshirts. They did a good job.
Other Martial Arts Programs
Following is a list of other martial arts programs within a few miles of McMinnville. Inclusion in the list doesn't constitute an endorsement (or any specific knowledge of) their program, and many of the programs probably engage in the conditioning and philosophical errors discussed on our web site -- a few are known to do so.
Impact Jiu Jitsu - Newberg (gi and no-gi BJJ, extensive fitness programs -- great programs and coaches)
2751 East 9th Street, Newberg
Impact Jiu Jitsu - McMinnville (sport-style BJJ)
819 Highway 99, McMinnville
Kim's Tae Kwon Do (these guys really hate us, but we'll list 'em anyway)
855 NE 5th St, McMinnville
McMinnville Martial Arts -- Shaolin Kempo
440 NE Highway 99W, McMinnville
Mountain Warrior Kung Fu
303 SW Adams St, McMinnville
Northwest Jujitsu Club
2072 Waconda Road NE, Gervais
We welcome comments, questions and suggestions for improvement.
Via Potentia, 805 NW Alder St., McMinnville OR 97128
Telephone: 503-437-3450
Copyright Via Potentia. All Rights Reserved. Consult your doctor before beginning an exercise program; consult a lawyer before making a legal decision. All information provided on this web site or otherwise by Via Potentia is provided for educational/informative purposes only, is subject to correction, and should not be considered legal, medical or other professional advice. Use at your own risk.
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